How to make a Diet Chart? - Diet Chart for Diabetes, Kidney Patient and Pregnant Women!

How to make a Diet Chart? - Diet Chart for Diabetes, 

Kidney Patient and Pregnant Women!

How to make a Diet Chart? - Diet Chart for Diabetes, Kidney Patient and Pregnant Women!

What do you eat at the time of the morning and drink? The effect of all these things on your health is that if you do not eat food at the right time or you eat some of the outsides and eat spicy food, Diseases can occur.

If you want to be healthy you should make your diet chart and follow it regularly. It is difficult to follow the diet chart nowadays, but if you take the right diet you can avoid many diseases.

If you are making your daily routine diet chart, then you should make a diet chart according to the weather like in summer, you should consume some cold juice, fruit -fruit, curd, and liquid substances.

To stay fit in the winter season, dairy products should be consumed by meat, fish, egg, meat, etc. So let us know how to make a diet chart in these Hindi and in detail read about Diet Chart For Pregnant Women.

How to make a Diet Chart? - Diet Chart for Diabetes, Kidney Patient and Pregnant Women!

How to make a diet chart

If you also want to know that How to make a Diet Chart, then we are telling you some tips that will help you create a diet chart.

How to make a Diet Chart? - Diet Chart for Diabetes, Kidney Patient and Pregnant Women!

Diet for the morning

More heavy food should not be eaten during the morning, although many people eat fried alley in mornings that are not suitable for the body. In the morning, one glass of milk should eat 4-5 almonds.

9 pm die in the morning

It is time for breakfast. Many people go home for office work at this time. They can eat a glass of juice and green tea while going to the office.

The right time to lunch 12

There are many people who eat lunch at 2 or 3 o'clock, which is not suitable for body health. You should eat lunch at 12 o'clock because this is the perfect time for lunch. You can add peeled lentil, curd, green vegetable, rice, salad to the meal. This food contains plenty of protein which is healthy for the body. You should drink water after 10-15 minutes after eating it.

Diet between 3 or 4 o'clock

After lunch, you should have a light snack between 3 or 4 o'clock such as tea, coffee, biscuits, oranges, all fruits, and pomegranate.

Diet for the night i.e. dinner

The food that you have eaten in the afternoon can be eaten at dinner. Food should be eaten about 3 hours before sleeping, so that food gets digested properly and there is no constipation and acidity in the stomach during sleep.

Sleeping before sleeping

You can eat fruit by eating fruit before sleeping and drink a glass of milk or even juice.

How to make a Diet Chart? - Diet Chart for Diabetes, Kidney Patient and Pregnant Women!

Diet chart in pregnancy

Follow the tips given below to know what the women should take in pregnancy in pregnancy.

  • In pregnancy, women should consume pulses, vegetables, fruits, milk, etc.
  • In pregnancy, the woman should drink 8-10 glasses of water per day.
  • In pregnancy, women should consume more of the ingredients in which the amount of protein is high, such as non-veg, all pulses, milk and milk products, soya bean, porridge, etc.
  • In pregnancy, women should be consuming two or three fruits and green vegetables daily.
  • Sugar things should be avoided more than eating because it increases the level of blood sugar in pregnant women.
  • Pregnant women should be avoided by meat, fish, eggs, meat because they consume more of all these things are not good for their health.

Diet chart for diabetes

The number of sugary patients in India is increasing every day. Diabetes is not a terrible disease, but it also damages the body parts by giving an invitation to other diseases. You have been told about what diabetes patients should eat.

  • Basil, olive, almonds

Diabetic patients should consume basil seeds, olive oil, almonds, etc.

  • Vinegar 2 teaspoons

The diabetic patient should consume 2 teaspoons of vinegar 1 hour before eating, as the amount of sugar is low.

  • Cinnamon mix

Mix cinnamon powder and drink it with tea or hot water.

  • Protein diet

Those diabetic patients should take red clay to the nonvenomous account. And those who are vegetarian can also eat fresh fruits, green vegetables, etc.

  • Fenugreek seeds

The most beneficial for sugar patients is fennel grains. It can be consumed regularly by making a vegetable or mixing it in flour.

  • Fiber

Fiber is an important contribution to diabetes patients. Fiber reduces diabetes in your body and keeps blood sugar control.

  • Diet chart for a kidney specialist

To keep the body healthy, it is important to have a good Kidney. We have told you about what the kidney patient should and should not eat.


In cabbage, vitamin C, vitamin K, and vitamin B are found, cabbage can also be eaten by raw or boiling because it is beneficial for the kidney patient.

Fish (kidney patient)

Protein is found in excess quantity in fish. It is very beneficial to eat boiled, cooked or roasted fish to work for kidney problems.

Egg (kidney patient)

Eggs contain high amounts of proteins. It is very good for the kidney to make the white part of the egg by making an omelet or leaving the pelvic part of the egg yolk.

Olive (kidney patient)

Olive oil is very beneficial for the kidney patient. While cooking the food at home, you can use olive oil at the place where oil is used. Oleic Acid, Anti Inflammatory is found in this oil, which is enough to keep Kidney healthy It is helpful.

  • Garlic (kidney patient)

Kidney patients should consume raw garlic buds twice a day because high cholesterol in the body is reduced due to the presence of antioxidants in garlic.

How to make a Diet Chart? - Diet Chart for Diabetes, Kidney Patient and Pregnant Women!
  • Red grapes (kidney patient)

Vitamin S is found in red grapes. Drinking helps the kidney to keep the patient healthy.


Friends, today we told you about How to make a Diet Chart? I hope you have understood everything about it After making a diet chart, follow her regularly and bring regular exercise and morning pamphlets to your daily routine so that you will be able to spend a healthful life. We all know how important food is so important to our lives, so friends should take the right diet in a runaway life so that your health is good. So share this post with your friends and family so that they can know about the rules which they should follow to live a healthy life.


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